Saturday, May 21, 2005

Gugglus for Maintaining Healthy Joints and Heart

One of the oldest and most famous herbs in Ayurvedic Medicine, Gugglu ( commiphora mukul ) is a gum resin and a relative of the Biblical botanical myrrh. There is a is a whole class of formulas containing gugglu combined with other herbs. Gugglu is considered an antiseptic and a carrier of herbs with specific properties which are needed for restoring balance for healthy joints. It was discovered that Gugglu being a resin, contained a sticky quality which attracts it to the synovial fluid in the joints. For example, if there was dryness or a lack of synovial fluid , gugglus resinous qualities acted as a lubricant (Yogaraj Gugglu)and foods to balance vata were given.

Toxins ( called ama ) which are formed mainly from undigested protein are also sticky and attracted to synovial fluid. From time to time , the immune system flushes these toxins out and this process creates an inflammatory condition. Arthritis is the name modern medicine give to this process when it becomes chronic. Herbs which have a cooling and cleansing quality (Kaishore Gugglu) were given in these situations, with foods to balance a pitta aggravation. If there was more of a kapha condition present with excess fluids and swelling, the appropriate drying foods were given and diuretics were combined (Punarnavadi or Goksuradi Gugglu) to clear fluids and help to restore balance to the tissues. Boswellia (salai guggal) is a tree gum resin with similar properties combined with other herbs to treat inflammatory conditions (Artrex formula).

More recently the cleansing properties of Gugglu have been discovered in the treatment of elevated blood cholesterol. Ancient texts reveal Ayurvedic physicians diagnosed the condition we call arteriosclerosis ( hardening of the arteries ) before 600 B.C. They described it as characterized by over eating and a lack of exercise which impaired metabolism and obstructed channels with fatal results. To treat it they used gugglus. Not surprisingly many Ayurvedic heart formulas contain gugglu combined with arjuna, which supports heart function and ashwagandha an adaptogen which increases tolerance to stress in our modern lifestyles.