Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Incense & Disease

Disease or specifically the lack of ease in ones mind is now recognised as one of the major causes of chronic disease around the world. In India and the East it is recognised that one of the best cures for the ills of the mind is meditation.

Incense is seen as vital when meditating as it relaxes the senses and charges the atmosphere. Many yogis acknowledge that incense carries blessings and prayers around the room it is lit.

So take up meditation now and buy some incense you will see a major difference in body and mind in as little as a week.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Ayurmedic.co.uk live

Afetr being down for a few months we are happy to announce our website ayurmedic | Ayurveda | Natural health is live again for the latest news and reports plus now book reviews of ayurvedic resorts and trewatment breakthroughs from across the world.