Monday, December 19, 2005

Stretch Mark Causes and Removal Techniques by James Kellog

Every woman who has gone through pregnancy has either experienced or at least fretfully thought about stretch marks.

Stretch marks don't just occur from pregnancy though, many women, and men as well, have suffered from stretch marks that have occurred from gaining too much weight or muscle mass too fast.

Stretch marks can also appear when the body over exerts itself. For example, weight lifters often get stretch marks on their arms and/or legs, and sometimes across their chests.

Sometimes teens will get stretch marks because they grow too fast. Take heart, those types of stretch marks often fade with time.

Typically stretch marks occur whenever we over exert ourselves. That should be a lesson; don't become too obsessed with staying fit and trim, too much is too much. In the case of pregnancy, stretch marks are like a badge of honor reflecting the flames of creation occurring inside. That said; there are many people that don't appreciate stretch marks and want them gone.

Three different ways of removing stretch marks:

Plastic Surgery Removing stretch marks permanently is no easy task. Plastic surgery has been used to successfully remove stretch marks. Typically a plastic surgeon simply removes the skin, and often also does a "tummy tuck", which of course removes the stretch marks with the skin. Always use a board certified plastic surgeon ( for any procedures you have done.

As always, there is a down-side. Plastic surgery is expensive, and typically not covered by insurance. There are some areas that stretch marks can not be removed from which include those which extend far above the belly button. There can also be many complications involved with such extreme methods, and many don't believe in or want to endure that type of invasive procedure.

Cosmetic Laser Surgery There has been a lot of buzz about cosmetic laser surgery. It is much less invasive, with far fewer possible side effects. The claims indicate that laser surgery stimulates new collagen growth and can reduce or eliminate the visible signs of stretch marks. To find a doctor in your area, try

Many plastic surgeons don't believe that laser surgery is effective for removing stretch marks. They claim that lasers are good for breaking down tissue, not rebuilding it. At any rate, laser techniques are typically much less painful with a much shorter recovery time, and are typically less expensive than surgery. However, you normally have to stay out of the sun for a few days.

Creams and Lotions There are many creams and lotions available on the market and of course the all claim that they work. The truth is that some actually do, I've seen it myself. However, don't get your expectations too high. While some creams have been able to effectively remove stretch marks, more often than not, they will simply reduce stretch marks.

This isn't entirely bad because there are other techniques that you can use to reduce the visible signs of stretch marks even further.

One technique is to use sunless tanning products. Tanning beds and true sun tanning won't work because stretch marks typically don't darken from the sun. One of the types of sunless tanning that seems to work without a lot of mess is sunless tanning towels (one source is

The downside to creams and lotions is that many simply do not work. Some are oily and greasy, and those that do work are somewhat expensive. Of course, there is no recovery time for any of them so if they don't work you may just be out a little cash.

Typically 30 days is plenty of time to see at least some improvement, if there is going to be any. So make certain that any company whose product you try has at least a 30 day return policy. That way if it doesn't work, you can return the product and only be out a few dollars for shipping.

Two types of cream that I've seen work are Strivectin ( and Everderm ( A company called Klein Becker manufactures Strivectin and we produce Everderm.

Those people who don't currently have stretch marks and would like to try preventing can use a moisturizer to keep the skin moist and elastic. The stretch mark creams that successfully reduce stretch marks are also great candidates for those people interested in prevention. Of course, some people will still develop stretch marks regardless of preventative measures used.

The bottom line is; the more elastic your skin is, the more you can stretch it before permanent damage occurs.

If you are one of the unlucky ones that end up developing stretch marks for whatever reason, all hope is not lost. There are ways to reduce and sometimes even eliminate stretch marks. If all else fails, go visit with a dermatologist or three, there's almost always something that can be done.

Lose Weight by Changing Yourself From Within by Bill Schuchman

Lose Weight by Changing Yourself From Within

People who are not overweight cannot understand why some people are fat. After all if you want to lose weight all you have to do is eat less, eat better and exercise more.

Unfortunately this is the way most diet plans approach peoples weight loss issues. Most weight loss plans focus on your actions. They tell you that you have to eat this but not that, you must drink only this and you have to eat by combining your foods in a certain order. You are instructed to exercise until you drop.

While many of these processes can work in the short term - they are not sustainable in the long term. These weight loss plans are generally too restrictive and they require a tremendous amount of will power. Let's face it, if losing weight were as easy as eating less and exercising more then 100 million Americans would not be over weight.

These weight loss plans always fail to address the root of your weight issues. The root of most weight issues is the ways you think and feel create emotional issues that keep the weight on you. Your thoughts create your feelings; your feelings determine your actions. Your body changes at a cellular level based on how your feeling.

Think about it for a moment. When are you most likely to over eat? During emotionally challenging times such as being under stress, being angry, sad, fearful and even board. Over time the more you over eat due to emotional causes the more your body expects the extra food so you reach a point where you eat just to eat.

Our thoughts create our emotions... Our emotions determine our actions. All of our actions originate first from a thought. Some of these thoughts generate strong emotional responses such as if we're worried or frightened about something. Anyone who is overweight has emotional triggers to food.

We think of something and have an emotional response to that thought which in turn triggers an eating response. Many times we're not even aware we doing this, it's sort of being on automatic pilot. Think about your own triggers. Do you ever reach for food or a snack when your under stress or worried? How about if you're lonely or sad?

Our thoughts create our emotions... Our emotions create our body.

What's happening inside of us creates what's happening outside of us. There is no difference to the way our body feels to us then it actually is. Each of us creates our own reality including our body. We believe that what is happening outside of us is what is creating the feeling within us when actually the opposite is true. The way we feel, the thoughts we have, what we focus on makes internal changes to us on a cellular level that creates our external world.

That's why no matter what diet we try we ultimately fail. That's why we keep doing the same things over and over even though we know that it's detrimental to our weight loss goals.

Diets try to change you from the outside when the only way you can be changed is from the inside. No matter what you do to lose weight you will fail unless you change yourself from the inside, nothing external can work.

The importance of focusing on what your desired out come is and believing that it has already occurred can not be over stated. Scientific studies have shown that if you monitor a persons brain activity a real event is recorded the same as an imagined event within the brain.

If a person was to look at a flag, and then close their eyes and imagine a flag their brain waves would be identical. The same neuro networks are activated, the same neurons are fired.

The brain cannot distinguish between real or imagined events. Your brain cannot distinguish between what's happening outside to your own internal thoughts. Your brain cannot distinguish between what you see and what you imagine or pretend to see. Now take this a step further. When you close your eyes and picture yourself what do you see? If you modify that picture, your reality will bend to that image.

So why is that important? Your thoughts, beliefs and intents create your reality, your outcome. What you think about you body creates your body. Your thoughts alone can alter your body. Your thoughts create emotions and if the emotions are strong you create memories.

Your hypothalamus is a gland that is rich in fibers and synaptic connections and it controls the functions of the body such as blood pressure, heartbeat, metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. The way that it accomplishes this is that your hypothalamus is a chemical factory that creates peptides which are small chained amino acids. These peptides are created based on our emotions.

Different neuro hormones are created based on the emotion we are feeling: Joy, love, happiness, fear, hate and all other emotions that we actually experience or imaging create peptides. At the moment that we experience an emotion, real or imagined hormones are released into the body.

Every cell in your body has receptors for the various hormones that are released. The hormones that are released into the body are attached to the cell through the receptor. This is very similar to a key going into a lock. Once attached the cell will change based on the hormone that has attached to it which ultimately is determined by your emotions.

Each cell is alive with its own consciousness and over time your cell will create more receptors for the predominate hormone being released. The more receptors for a given emotion that is created will cause the body to create situations the will satisfy the chemical cravings of our cells. The more you experience joy the more joy receptors will be activated within your cells. The more joy receptors the more your body will create situations that will cause you to feel joyful. This holds true for your weight as well.

The more you feel fat and over weight the more that those receptors become activated thereby causing your body to react in a way that will keep you overweight. Every function of the body is influenced by your emotional state.

In order to break this you must first change way you think about your body. Then as you become aware of the negative thought patterns that have been contributing to your negative body image you need to choose different thoughts. Most overweight people have thoughts like: - I will never be able to lose weight - If I look at food I gain 5 pounds - I'm not desirable - I'm not good enough - I hate my body

It is impossible to lose weight and keep the weight off if you have a negative body image.

Changing your thought patterns is simple to do. Simply focus on things that you do like about your body. You could say to yourself: - I have nice eyes - I feel strong - I feel thinner today - I love how my body is going to look - My children love me

The whole point is to raise your emotional level; you want to feel good about you and your body.

Another useful tool is the "Wouldn't it be nice game" When you're not in a good place emotionally simply say to yourself "Wouldn't it be nice if____ : - I lost 20 pounds - I could fit into that dress - I could get into a size 6

By playing the "Wouldn't it be nice game" you immediately change your emotional state and feel more positive.

By changing your negative thoughts concerning your body you will change your emotions. You will have a more positive approach to your body and to life. By using this approach you will not have the struggle that you have come to expect when attempting to lose weight.

So start raising your emotional state today!

Please use the following link for a FREE subscription to the QA Weight Loss ezine.

Hair Loss and Stress by Raj Pandey

Stress & Hair Loss by Raj Pandey

Everyone loses hair on a daily basis - this is seen as quite normal. However there are a variety of factors that can prematurely accelerate this process - a major one is any form of stress mental or physical.

Stress has become the latest buzz word in the our lives. Whether it is from work or family many people are feeling that they are overwhelmed and simply cannot keep up with the demands made on them. In an effort to meet these demands often the first activity to go is our own self care. We think "Oh I can do without that for now". While this may be true in the moment what often occurs is a an unhealthy response to stress that goes beyond losing interest in self care. This ranges from neglect of yourself to abuse of substances or behaviours just to deal with stress.

Usually stress is felt when change is happening that we believe we cannot control. What some call the "stress response" is also seen in your own body in the form of nutritional deficits and chemical imbalances. This "bio storm" so to speak very often adversely the proper environment for healthy hair. In fact, in some cases hair loss can be tied to a specific event such as a death, job loss or other sudden trauma. Chronic stress can have the same effect as a sudden trauma which is way maintaining balance in our lives is so important. So if you notice a sudden increase in hair loss, after checking with your Doctor, consider also as part of your Hair Loss Treatment Plan checking in with a counselor. Create a Stress Plan that will lower as much stress as possible in your life.

Is Your Insomnia Just a Bad Habit? by Wendy Owen

Copyright 2005 Wendy Owen

Many of us that suffer with insomnia can actually pinpoint the time it started. It could be the death of a loved one, exams or a stressful relationship. But ever since then we've not been able to sleep well.

Even if the triggering event has passed and no longer concerns us, our sleep continues to suffer. This means we've actually learned to sleep badly and this is what we've come to expect. We believe we're poor sleepers and therefore we will continue to sleep poorly.

Our insomnia is actually just a bad habit!

Hey, that's actually good news! Habits can be broken and beliefs can be changed with a bit of effort. Sometimes just realising this can be enough to allow us to experience better sleep.

Usually though, it will take a bit more work. Habits can become pretty firmly entrenched (as any smoker would attest to!) We've got to change the belief that we don't sleep well into the belief that we enjoy deep and restful sleep every night.

Affirmations work well. An affirmation is when we repeat positive statements to ourselves over and over again until our sub conscious mind accepts it and changes our bad habits into good ones.

Many people poo pah affirmations saying, "I've tried them and they don't work" Well they do work but you must keep them up. Don't affirm for a few days and give up. Affirmations can take weeks to have a beneficial effect.

Another reason affirmations may not work is that we have trouble believing them. Our rational mind agues all the time. For instance if we affirm, "I sleep well for 8 hours every night", we think to ourselves, "That's rubbish! I'm lucky if I get 4 hours a night!"

So make your affirmations believable. Try affirming, "I am sleeping better and waking up more refreshed".

Another useful tip is to say your affirmations when you're relaxed. This is when your sub conscious mind is most receptive and will accept the suggestions more readily. Try it during a relaxing meditation, last thing at night or when you've just woken up.

A natural sleep aid is very useful during this time as you're learning to sleep better. The site below will recommend safe and natural sleep medications.

If you have the odd night when sleep refuses to come no matter what, try to relax and accept this as part of being normal. Even the best sleepers have nights like these. Just lie still and remember that you will still get some benefit from just lying back and relaxing.

So don't tell yourself you suffer from insomnia. Instil positive affirmations into your mind and watch your sleep improve.

5 Simple, Sure-Fire Ways to LOSE FAT--Quickly!! by ElmerFizz

5 Simple, Sure-Fire Ways to LOSE FAT--Quickly!!

If you're looking to lose some unwanted body fat, this article will show you 5 simple, proven ways to shed more fat in less time.

1. Drink more water throughout the day

Water is used in every physiological process your body undergoes, including vitamin absorption, digestion, and waste removal. In order to make sure these important processes are not disrupted, you want to drink enough clean water.

Drinking water will also help you feel more full throughout the day, so you're less likely to be hungry and less likely to snack.

One trick to help you eat less during your meals is to drink a tall glass of clean, cold water before you eat. This will help you feel less hungry, so you'll eat less during your meal.

Try to drink at least a gallon of water each day. Keep a bottle of water at your work desk, in your car, and one handy at home. The importance of water for good health cannot be overstated. You can live weeks without food, but only days without water.

2. Eat five to six smaller meals each day

This will keep your metabolism running smoothly and efficiently. Eating a smaller meal every 3 to 4 hours will help speed up your metabolism so that it burns through food quicker.

Eating one or two larger meals each day will cause your metabolism to slow down. If it's not presented with food more often, it doesn't burn through it as fast.

Skipping meals altogether will cause your body to hold onto stored fat as a defense mechanism. Your body isn't sure when it's going to get its next meal, so it conserves stored fat to use in case of future calorie needs.

Each meal should consist of high protein (builds muscle), moderate carbohydrates (fuel for the body), and low fat (used for energy and organ protection).

Foods like chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, and milk are good sources of protein. For quality carbohydrates, eat complex sources like whole grains, cereals, breads, vegetables, and beans. Fats should be kept to a minimum and they should come from sources like fish oil, olive oil, flax seed, and whole fish.

3. Do three to four cardiovascular workouts each week

This is how you'll burn the majority of your daily calories. Cardio increases your metabolic rate, so that you'll burn more calories throughout the day, even while resting.

30 minutes of cardio, three to four times a week, is enough to raise your metabolism and help burn calories. Any more than that could lead to overtraining.

Choose cardio machines that get more of your body moving. the more you move your body, the more calories you burn. The Stairmaster, biking, and running on the treadmill are all good examples of intense cardio that will move more of your body.

4. Weight train three to four times a week

Weight training will not burn a sufficient amount of fat while you're doing it. Weight training will help you burn more calories and fat in the future.

When you add more lean muscle tissue to your body, you have to expend more energy (burn more calories) just to maintain that lean muscle tissue. So when you're at rest, even sleeping, you'll burn off more calories with this additional lean muscle. The more calories you burn, the more body fat you will lose.

That's why weight training is an important part of the weight loss equation. The more lean muscle tissue you have on your body, the more calories you will burn off as a result.

5. Begin to slowly reduce your calorie intake

In order to lose body fat, you need to expend more calories than you consume. Or simply put, burn off more calories than you eat.

Begin by reducing your daily calorie intake by 150 to 300 calories. Start cutting out extras like butter, cream, mayo, sugar, and any high-calorie dressings or condiments.

Instead, use spices or low-calories sauces to add flavor to your food.

As you reduce your daily calories, begin to observe in the mirror what effect it's having on your body composition. This will help you decide whether or not you should reduce your calories again or if you're making progress where you are.

If you don't see results after a couple weeks of reducing your daily calories, reduce them again by 150 to 300 calories.

This slow, methodical drop in calories will allow you to find the number you need to keep losing fat, without sacrificing lean muscle tissue. If you eat too few calories, your metabolism will slow down and you'll also stop adding lean muscle tissue.

Over time, you'll find the number of daily calories you need to keep losing body fat, without losing lean muscle tissue.

There you have five simple, proven ways you can lose more fat in less time. The more of these tips you use, the quicker you'll begin to see positive changes in the mirror.

This article may be reprinted on a website or blog IF left unchanged and this resource box is included.

What Is A Flu Pandemic And How Likely Is It? by Sarah Jenkins

A pandemic is a global epidemic in which an infectious disease breaks out over a large geographic region. A flu pandemic is, of course, an epidemic of a strain of the influenza virus. With the recent media coverage of bird flu, many people are becoming educated on avian influenza, pandemics in history, and the likelihood another may occur.

There have actually been several pandemics or epidemics of various flu strains in the last century. One of which, the Spanish Flu, surfaced in 1918 in Massachusetts and spread worldwide, killing 50 million people. This particular strain, H1N1, has been reconstructed by the Center for Disease Control to study the molecular make up of the virus.

The Asian Flu spread from China in 1957 to the United States and led to the death of 70,000 people. Likewise, the Hong Kong Flu was identified in the U.S. in 1968 and led to 34,000 people dying. This strain of the flu virus is still in circulation today.

If you look back into history, there is record of influenza pandemics varying in intensity at 20-40 year intervals. So, to answer the question, "how likely is a flu pandemic", the answer would have to be relatively likely.

However, the history books will also show things like the Black Plague, the Antonine Plague, and the Plague of Justinian; bubonic plague and smallpox being the most likely causes of these pandemics. With our advanced medical technology, these diseases have almost completely been removed from circulation and have little threat on modern society.

For this reason, many people doubt the likelihood of a pandemic considering technical advancements in medical diagnosis and treatment. Others expect a vaccine to be developed before any widespread infection of the bird flu virus.

The current outbreak of avian influenza has infected 131 people and killed 68 of those. With an exceptional mortality rate, this virus has a potential to be a danger. The accelerated spread of the disease is also reason for concern. In less than two years, it has covered Asia, Europe, and the Middle East and is mutating, unfortunately, to a form that may be transmitted more easily. Each of these factors, coupled with the fact that no vaccine for the mutated form has been created and can not be created until after mutation occurs, supports the possibility of a pandemic. If the mutation occurs and a vaccine is developed quickly, there may be no concern for the incredible panic sweeping the world.