Saturday, May 21, 2005

Ayurvedic Guidelines for Cancer Prevention

Our body cells are surrounded by fluids which should be slightly alkaline in order to sustain life. If these fluids, especially the blood, becomes more acidic, our physical condition will first manifest fatigue and tendencies to catch colds and flu. As these fluids become more acidic, our condition increases to headaches and chronic fatigue. Our body will begin to deposit these excess acid forming substances in some area of the body such as breasts in women or the prostate in men. Cells which adapt to an acid enviornment are called malignant.

Ayurveda recommends an on-balance alkaline forming diet to maintain healthy cells. High acid forming foods such as eggs, red meats, cheese and sugar should be replaced with moderate to low acid forming foods such as whole grains and legumes. The majority of foods shold be alkaline forming such as those found in seasonal fruits and vegetables and natural condiments such as soy. You can receive a free copy of acid & alkaline forming foods by email. Important lifestyle routines which help alkalanize are breathing excercises and warm-cold showers. Polarity Therapy and other stress reducing routines are essential to healing (see article below on Stress Management).

Herbs should be taken which help clean the blood of excess acidity and restore health. Traditionally, bitter herbs such as amalaki, manjista or guggul have been incorporated into balanced formulas such as triphala which can be taken over longer periods of time for health maintenance (please refer to herb history page). The great law of cause and effect is always operating and cannot be circumvented by only relieving symtoms. However, the law cuts both ways - by understanding how the disease was created, we can find the path back to health. Lastly, it is important to remember that every situation has a front as well as a back if we just will look for it.