Monday, December 19, 2005

Hair Loss and Stress by Raj Pandey

Stress & Hair Loss by Raj Pandey

Everyone loses hair on a daily basis - this is seen as quite normal. However there are a variety of factors that can prematurely accelerate this process - a major one is any form of stress mental or physical.

Stress has become the latest buzz word in the our lives. Whether it is from work or family many people are feeling that they are overwhelmed and simply cannot keep up with the demands made on them. In an effort to meet these demands often the first activity to go is our own self care. We think "Oh I can do without that for now". While this may be true in the moment what often occurs is a an unhealthy response to stress that goes beyond losing interest in self care. This ranges from neglect of yourself to abuse of substances or behaviours just to deal with stress.

Usually stress is felt when change is happening that we believe we cannot control. What some call the "stress response" is also seen in your own body in the form of nutritional deficits and chemical imbalances. This "bio storm" so to speak very often adversely the proper environment for healthy hair. In fact, in some cases hair loss can be tied to a specific event such as a death, job loss or other sudden trauma. Chronic stress can have the same effect as a sudden trauma which is way maintaining balance in our lives is so important. So if you notice a sudden increase in hair loss, after checking with your Doctor, consider also as part of your Hair Loss Treatment Plan checking in with a counselor. Create a Stress Plan that will lower as much stress as possible in your life.